Integrated Subsurface Studies for the Energy Industry

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Sweet Characterisation

Data Integration

Sweet Characterisation™ provides a consistent methodology for integrating geological, seismic, and pressure transient data to enhance the interpretation models of complex reservoir systems, identifying the large-scale geological features controlling the flow of fluids within the reservoirs.

Reduces key geological uncertainties

Increases added value of well data

Reduces solutions' non-uniqueness

Swift Modelling

3D Static and Simulation Models

Swift Modelling™ delivers reliable, fit-for-purpose ensembles of 3D geological and fluid-flow models representing the whole range of subsurface uncertainty for making risk-adjusted decisions confidently.

Generation of multiple geological realisations

Dynamic and static ranking of realisations

Up-gridding and up-scaling of realisations

History matching of numerical simulations

Sound Forecasting

Outcome Scenarios from Ensembles of Models

Sound Forecasting™ guides decision-makers to identify the entire range of uncertainty in production performance predictions. It combines high-dimensional data visualisation and data mining techniques to rapidly interpret outcome scenarios from a large ensemble of reservoir models without being overwhelmed by massive data.

Analytical and numerical forecasting

Reservoir performance management

Field development planning

Reserves and resource estimation

Carbon Storage

Feasibility Studies

This service is being designed to offer site appraisal to confirm the feasibility of a broad range of underground rock formations as sites to permanently store carbon dioxide captured from oil and gas operations, power plants, factories, transportation, and other sources of emissions.

Optimized by Optimole