Integrated Subsurface Studies for the Energy Industry

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July 2021

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Managing subsurface energy resources is more agile, efficient, and effective with our Virtual Integrated Subsurface Teams. VIST® brings in knowledge, expertise, and innovation that add value to your asset decision-making processes and enable the rapid achievement of your exploration and development project's goals. Strados can carry out highly complex and tailored procedures for: Data interpretationReservoir characterisationGeological modellingFluid flow modellingReservoir simulationUncertainty analysisPerformance

Strados International Limited has designed an innovative business model called VIST® for Virtual Integrated Subsurface Teams for outsourcing the knowledge and business processes for managing the subsurface hydrocarbon resources to the upstream sector of the energy industry. VIST® is based on a high-skilled distributed workforce, leading software applications, cloud-based secure ecosystems, 4IR technologies, and OpEx-only budgets. It provides all the

During the last decade, virtually every oil and gas industry sector has been experiencing rapid and sometimes disruptive change. As a result, market conditions continue to affect investment decisions and impact industry activity. In particular, the upstream industry, which focuses primarily on searching, drilling, and extracting commodities from the earth, faces a shrinking talent pool of specialised technical expertise due

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